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Johnny Cash wrote and sang some silly songs that very few people could have pulled off the way he did. Usually when you declare a song silly it is almost a polite method of saying that the song isn't very good.
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Most everyone knows of the song, "Ring of Fire". Unless you have lived under a rock your whole life, you only need to hear a few notes of the familiar mariachi trumpets and you not only immediately know the song, but you also start singing the chorus - "I fell into a burning Ring of Fire.
 | In Johnny Cash  |  1 Comment
Ten years ago today Johnny Cash passed away. While the official cause of death was listed as "complications from diabetes"; it seems fairly obvious that he died from a broken heart when he lost his wife, June Carter Cash less than four months prior.
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To impersonate or not to impersonate, that is the Question? The term "Tribute Band" has always been somewhat loose in defining whether or not a band is an impersonation act.

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